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Canasvieiras Transportes Ltda - Rodovia Francisco Germano da Costa n°2970 - 88052.760 - Canasvieiras Florianópolis/SC Brasil - CNPJ 82.950.460/0001-45 | | (48) 3266-2147
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Environmental Guards


Aware of the importance of the development of social responsibility actions, the Canasvieiras has invested in work related to the society and to the environment. One of the projects that we support is the environmental education project called "Protective Environment" developed by the Environmental Military Police of Santa Catarina - PMA. Such a project, aimed at the teenage audience, aims to bring together the PMA of the new generation, promoting the prevention of illicit environmental. The environmental guards are teenagers trained and disciplined, which assist the Environmental Military Police in their environmental education activities.

For more information, please see:

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