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Canasvieiras Transportes Ltda - Rodovia Francisco Germano da Costa n°2970 - 88052.760 - Canasvieiras Florianópolis/SC Brasil - CNPJ 82.950.460/0001-45 | | (48) 3266-2147
Comitê de Privacidade de Dados -


03 de junho de 2023 New vehicles complete 5 months of operation

Acquired and offered to the Consortium since February 2023, the seven (7) new conventional vehicles of the company Canasvierias complete 5 months of operation with excellent results. "The main differential of this batch is the use of the Apache Vip body, from the company CAIO INDUSCAR, in its latest generation, breaking with the use of bodies from another supplier for decades", comments Marcos Lopes, the company's logistics staff. He comments that in addition to the visual difference, technical concepts were revised, such as passenger space, distribution of safety items and customer comfort. In addition, a great focus was placed on the driver's quality of life, with adjustments to the dashboard and other critical operating items. "These cars have a screen where the driver can follow all the vehicle's internal and external movement through cameras. This feature is usually only seen in road class and long distance cars", stresses Marcos. The vehicles passed the company's inspection and validation process in February, all of which were above 85% in compliance. "This type of result in the inspection demonstrates the commitment of the CAIO team to this project, which we hope will be long-term and focused on continuous improvement of the products", concludes the person in charge. Got curious, check out these cars in our operation. The fleet prefixes are: 11695 - 11697 - 11699 - 11701 - 11703 - 11705 and 11707, and can be found on the network using the floripanoponto application!

