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Canasvieiras Transportes Ltda - Rodovia Francisco Germano da Costa n°2970 - 88052.760 - Canasvieiras Florianópolis/SC Brasil - CNPJ 82.950.460/0001-45 | | (48) 3266-2147
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Operação Ilha Norte

Since 2020, public transport companies Canasvieiras Transportes and Transol Transportes Coletivos have shared the same garage structure. Thus, the Canasvieiras company is now responsible for managing more than 330 vehicles. This action optimizes the processes of both companies, reduces the environmental impact of the operation and contributes to a more sustainable operation.

Resguardar Program

"Integrate safety and operational efforts through methodologies that focus on operational risk and training. All focused on safety and for life. "- The Safeguard program started in 2017 with the focus on fully integrating the efforts of the safety team and occupational medicine and operations department. With ISO 9001: 2015 certification, the company started to fully practice the concepts of strategic risk management (ISO 31000), whether through contingency plans, redundancies, team awareness and especially training and operational improvement.

Online Quote portal

As planning for 2016, our suppliers have come to inform the eigenvalues and supply conditions, our sales team on an electronic trading portal. Previously, this research was carried out by our team via phone or email. In addition to being the new price collection interface and market offerings, the portal also allows the registration of new suppliers and thus, new businesses can apply for assistance from Canasvieiras company. The portal is part of a series of compliance actions (business ethics) being implemented by the company in reviewing its operational and administrative procedures.

GED - Electronic Document Management

Since 2014, the company started the implementation of the concept of electronic document management, or GED. This project complements the activities initiated in 2011 with the adoption of good information security practices described in standard ISO 27001, applied in our processes. Harnessing this new concept good document management practices already provided for in standard and ISO 9001 certification, the company guarantees access controlled the documentation needed for the daily processes. In addition, all currently drafting process, evaluation, review, approval and distribution of the documents is carried out electronically.

Cycles - Strategic Planning

"The technical management based on full knowledge of the activities, leading to operational excellence and directing the company to sustainable development: an integrated cycle of innovation-based processes with a focus on people." The cycle program aligns the company's planning with the strategic objectives of management and interrelationship of business innovation processes. This program is the evolution of PDCA SUSTAINABLE, who guided the strategic planning from 2009 to 2014. The 2015-2020 cycle applies a new structural concept.

Share your way

"To provide the integration between the different actors that share the use of the traffic structure, aiming at peaceful coexistence and empathy of all the rights and duties of everyone involved." This project seeks to apply specific courses of coexistence among all involved in public transport. The year 2013-2014 the focus being on coexistence between bus drivers and cyclists. The project's success story and has been veinculado in areas throughout Brazil, especially in specialized cycling magazines. One difference is that organizations representing cyclists also participate in the planning and execution of courses and events.

Integration of new employees

The collective transport process is so broad and has many steps that a developer of a certain area may not have the integrated vision of the process. Therefore, the setting is strategic as regards the understanding of the totality of the transport service to the internal client. With that, he will have grounds to meet the external customer properly. Every new employee who joins within the company, whatever the industry or function, receives an integration course, which knows all the processes, the structure of the company and its management. This ensures that everyone has a broad and systemic vision of service, and not only of their day to day operations.

Management Total Quality Maintenance

"Understanding maintenance as a pillar of quality, providing technical knowledge linked to planning activities, allowing structured maintenance processes in pursuit of service excellence.". Focusing on support activities, the program GQT.MAN structure these processes in order to be a base of excellence to core business, focusing on the security of internal and external customers. The company today is a benchmark in maintenance processes, applying REMEDIAL precepts, PREVENTIVE, PreDictive and DETECTIVOS the maintenance plans for each applied equipment model.


"Adding value to professional employee of the company, allowing its improvement with accompanying instructors forming drivers who are able to meet satisfactorily the quality premises that are fundamental to the provision of the Public Transport service." The COPAM program allows internal clients to participate in a rigid academic load of theoretical and practical courses, focusing on training of new drivers. In addition to allowing the professional growth of employees, the company ensures that drivers who serve external customers show the desired profile on the driving style and service and courtesy to passengers and colleagues.


The National Confederation of Transport (CNT) launched in 2007 the Environmental Program Transport - DESPOLUIR, whose goal is to promote the involvement of businessmen, truck drivers, self-employed taxi drivers, transport workers and society to build a truly sustainable development. One of the fronts of the program is the Pollutant Emission Reduction Project which aims to promote, through the vehicle measurement, reducing the emission of pollutants aimed at improving air quality and the rational use of fuels. The Canasvieiras Transport joined the project in 2008 because it believes that compliance with the emission of pollutants is not a quality differential, but a company's obligation towards society and the environment. In February this year (2014), the company again reached the goal of 100% compliance of their buses in the clean up program tests. The whole fleet is within pollutant emission standards, according to the index of the vehicle manufacturers. The fleet is 100% approved since the first official execution in 2009.