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Canasvieiras Transportes Ltda - Rodovia Francisco Germano da Costa n°2970 - 88052.760 - Canasvieiras Florianópolis/SC Brasil - CNPJ 82.950.460/0001-45 | | (48) 3266-2147
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03 de junho de 2023 Environmental balance 2009-2022: making a difference!

Environmental management balance 2009-2023: making a difference

Management focused on reducing the environmental impact has always been a focus at Canasvieiras. This social vocation becomes clear when we analyze the accumulated numbers of reduction of the environmental impact between 2009 and 2022. The year 2009 was the first year that the company operated its effluent treatment plant, and therefore, it is considered a milestone in this project of sustainability. During this period, the company:

    Recycled 101 million liters of water (101,299,529)

    Correctly disposed of 338,505 kilograms of high environmental impact waste

    Sent 121,000 liters of lubricants for recycling (121,971)

    It allocated 12,000 tires for reuse (12,437).

In 2023, combined with these processes, the company has been developing an extensive adaptation of its structures, with a focus on further reducing the environmental impact of its activities on several fronts. Sustainability should be on the agenda of every responsible company, and for us, an obligation in the field of collective passenger transport.

